Inspiring stories, wellbeing tips and news
Language for wellbeing huunuu

The wellbeing of language

What means something to me may be entirely different for you. And it can be surprising how many times this can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding. On a good day and in a supported environment, we may learn from each other’s differences and open up our perspectives on any given subject. We may be surprised

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Durham Constabulary Case Study huunuu

Durham Constabulary Case Study

Setting the stage at Durham Constabulary Durham Constabulary held an inaugural wellbeing conference, at which their Health & Wellbeing strategy would be launched. The aim was to get everyone together to think about their own health and wellbeing. A moment to stop, pause and reflect. An opportunity to engage the teams and rejuvenate. The Force

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outward focus for wellbeing huunuu challenging the process

Outward Focus for Workplace Wellbeing

Whilst reflection is a valuable skill which is incredibly beneficial in the workplace, an outward focus can also aid wellbeing and the two should not be seen as separate entities, but rather two halves towards wellness.  When our focus considers the needs of the outside environment, be that people or place, the needs and perspectives

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Proactive wellbeing to prevent burnout huunuu

Proactive wellbeing

If someone said to you; ‘How important is it for you to be comfortable, healthy, and happy?’ I’d like to think your response would be; ‘It’s very important.’   This is the very definition of wellbeing and if we understand that, then we can begin to make choices towards it. This is proactive wellbeing which

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walk your way to wellbeing huunuu

Walk your way to wellbeing

“The sum of the whole is this: Walk and be happy; walk and be healthy.” Said Charles Dickens, famous author, and believer in the benefits of walking. So, how can walking affect our wellbeing and overall health? Can this simple exercise really help mind, body and spirit? Most of us understand that walking can help

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Transferable wellbeing training skills huunuu

Transferable skills from a huunuu wellbeing session

Our huunuu sessions and training usually address a certain wellbeing theme, whether that’s how to have a conversation, finding time to talk, thinking about your legacy, how to balance your wellbeing or thinking about your retirement. But there are also slightly more subtle skills that are acquired during a session with us that are transferable

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huunuu wellbeing tidy knicker drawer

What does your knicker drawer say about your wellbeing?

How does your knicker drawer relate to your wellbeing? Wellbeing: the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. If your wellbeing is not being taken care of there are likely to be signs: Disorganised, physical symptoms, unhappiness, struggles in relationships. These are generally quite big things, noticeable to the outside world. But there will also

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huunuu Wellbeing as admin can help build resilience.

Wellbeing as admin can help build resilience

Wellbeing is defined as ‘the state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous; physical, psychological, or moral welfare.’ Oxford English Dictionary. There are many things that encompass wellbeing: Physical Emotional Economical Social Work Hobbies Life satisfaction What is wellbeing admin? Wellbeing admin is a ‘list’ of tools you can use to increase or maintain wellbeing. As

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Burnout at work huunuu wellbeing training

Exhausted, ready to quit? It could be burnout

Constant exposure to a stressful working environment could result in burnout. If you are feeling physically exhausted, emotionally done in and struggling with your mental health at work, it could be signs of burnout. Perhaps you feel that you’ve fallen out of love with your career and are questioning what to do with your time.

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Adding Value to your wellbeing training with huunuu

How can adding value be a part of workplace wellbeing?

Adding Value is a term many of us use in the workplace, it is often considered as going beyond what is expected of you in your job description and finding ways to improve or make a positive contribution. For example, you may impact efficiency or make improvements in quality, processes or maybe even find ways

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huunuu what does wellbeing mean to you legs up the wall

Legs up the wall and workplace wellbeing

When someone asks you how you look after your own wellbeing, what do you think of? For me, the phrase ‘legs up the wall’ did not come to mind but it certainly did for my colleagues! Legs up the wall refers to a restorative yoga pose where you relax all parts of your body while

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work life integration huunuu

Let’s revisit work life integration

What is work life integration? For many the phrase work-life balance is one you have heard many times. It is widely known as the time you spend at work vs the time you spend at home, with family, or pursuing personal interests. We all acknowledge that we have work lives and a personal life. Many

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huunuu bereavement at work

Bereavement at work

With less than 1 in 5 of managers feeling confident to support someone experiencing bereavement (Hospice UK) it leaves our colleagues, our teams and ourselves in a pretty uncomfortable situation. If you are employed in the UK you are entitled to bereavement leave when someone close to you dies, but this is very much up

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dying matters and huunuu

Dying Matters Prize Draw

As part of our commitment to the national campaign Dying Matters Awareness Week, we are offering a free ‘big conversations work mat ©’ session to one lucky organisation.  This year Dying Matters concentrates on the workplace and how we need to remove the stigma and support those dealing with ill health, loss and grief.  The huunuu work mat

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