Inspiring stories, wellbeing tips and news
huunuu and ESG

Why should you become an ESG company?

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a set of criteria to work out how a company affects the environment and general society. ESG also demonstrates how accountable and transparent a company is. But why should you become an ESG company? We’ll walk you through some reasons on why being ESG-aware could bring a treasure trove

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The big conversations card game huunuu

The huunnu Big Conversations Card Game

We understand that talking about death isn’t top of many people’s list of fun things to do! We’ve found that our big conversations card game seems to bridge the gap. Part of our expanded range of tools to enable big conversations around death, dying and the life and legacy that we’d like to leave behind

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Grieving for a pet huunuu

Grieving for a pet

They are our best friends and our companions. Our furry friends share our homes and our lives so it can be devastating when they die. Grieving for a pet can be difficult. More often than not people are sympathetic, but there will always be that one person who will say something along the lines of

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huunuu digital asset legacy

What’s left behind – Digital Asset Legacy

What if you kept seeing digital reminders of your dead loved ones, how would it make you feel? What happens to our digital assets once we die? Digital legacy is something very few of us think about when we post our latest holiday snaps on Facebook or a selfie on Instagram. We think that we

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Legacy giving not just for the wealthy huunuu

Why Legacy Giving is not just for the Wealthy

Quite often when you hear the word ‘legacy’, you picture a mansion and someone with a lot of ‘capital’, but the term ‘legacy giving’ is not just for the super-rich. Legacy giving encompasses a range of things from any form of financial donation, such as a gift to a charity, to passing down certain keepsakes.

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huunuu why I should write a will

Why should I write a will?

Did you know a whopping 60% of adults in the UK haven’t made out a will? That’s a lot of property, finances and social media accounts and even cryptocurrency left without a beneficiary. So, why should you write a will in the first place? Surely it’s common sense that everything will be left to your

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Working at a death positive company

Frankie’s experience working at a death positive company: supportive, educational and great for well-being. Photo: not Frankie. Frankie is shy. Matilda says hi.   The description ‘death-positive’ can sound daunting, or even buzzword-y, as if we’re looking for the next HR trend. In reality, being death-positive has incredibly important ramifications for organisational health.   Being

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why train the trainer


During a typical train the trainer (TTT) course you can learn how to deliver training to your teams. With a good train the trainer programme you can understand the information received and how to run a dynamic and engaging session for everyone. Using this approach, a progressive organisation can quickly build a team that is

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difficult conversations in the workplace huunuu

5 steps to tackle difficult conversations in the workplace

We’ve all been there, we’ve either been on the receiving end of difficult conversations or had to initiate one. Although it isn’t always a comfortable space to be in you can improve the outcome and have a successful discussion. Here are our five top tips to tackle challenging conversations and improve the experience for all

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