Inspiring stories, wellbeing tips and news
navigating trust in a world of doubt huunuu

Navigating trust in uncertain times

In the news this week, there is controversy over a doctored image of Kate Middleton, we often hear one sided political discussion and suddenly the institutions and people we put our faith and trust into don’t seem so rock solid as we once thought they were. We are in interesting times, the rise of AI,

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the healing power of nutrition huunuu wellbeing blog. food for wellness

The healing power of nutrition: How good food supports recovery.

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”  Wrote Hippocrates around 400 BC. It’s widely recognised that a balanced diet is essential for overall health and its significance becomes even more pronounced when we or someone we love is ill or recovering from sickness. Whether that’s managing an eternal cold, a chronic condition,

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balance in challenging times huunuu blog

How to find balance when the news is awful

How are you feeling right now? The world in 2024 can seem a frightening place. There are wars, genocide, financial crises, political mayhem, and environmental disasters all on the back of a pandemic, which doesn’t really seem like it has gone anywhere. It’s impossible to get a dentist appointment or see a doctor, the trains

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Kate Mosse book review huunuu with book club questions

huunuu Book Club: An extra pair of hands by Kate Mosse

Kate Mosse has written an extraordinary book about caring which highlights not only her personal story but how we, as a country, care for others. She writes about dignity in ageing and how we balance that difficult tightrope of being a daughter, partner, sibling first and a carer, second. What I found especially moving was

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Third spaces huunuu

Third Spaces

What are third spaces? A third space is a place that isn’t your home or work, but somewhere else that helps you to feel connected. They are often places that nourish us in some way, perhaps with friendship, education, giving back to the community, or simply a familiar and comforting space. Often in these places,

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Wellbeing trends 2024

Wellbeing trends 2024

We look at five wellbeing trends for 2024 that will most likely impact us. Some of the ideas have been around for a while but continue to shift and expand as we move into 2024. This will move across to our workplaces, so how can we help to support team’s wellness wants and needs? According

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More not less huunuu wellbeing blog

More not less

In the New Year, we can often tie ourselves up with what we need to restrict. We may say to ourselves, less food, less alcohol, less going out, less joy even. But what if we switched that around and started thinking about more? Less can lead to a pretty miserable start to the year as

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The burrito effect and wellbeing huunuu

The burrito effect and wellbeing

This new year I’m keen to find quick and easy ways to help boost my wellbeing and if possible, with things I may have around the house. Many of us have heard about the benefits of a weighted blanket, but with availability and suitability in mind, I’m not sure that this is right for me.

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Last Christmas huunuu blog

Last Christmas

Last Christmas we were given a very special gift by our founder Clare. We each sponsored a child through the Develop Africa programme. Develop Africa aims to empower the lives of communities in West Africa by providing education, training, and support. ‘Over 20,000 children, youths, and adults in 10 countries have received school supplies, tuition/scholarships,

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Recognising stress huunuu wellbeing training

Recognising Stress: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Stress is an ever-present aspect of our lives, and while it’s a normal response to challenging situations, it’s crucial to recognise when it starts to take a toll on our wellbeing. So, how can you identify the signs of stress and take proactive steps towards managing it? 1. Reflecting on Your Emotions: At huunuu we

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Heritage Crafts & Legacy

Heritage Crafts & Legacy

“When love and skill work together expect a masterpiece” John Ruskin Heritage and legacy are woven together like the strands of thread that create a beautiful and treasured item. We all have a legacy to leave and a life to live. Our journeys and stories are the fibres of our lives that exist long after

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don't die without a will huunuu 10 reasons why you should write a will

Don’t Die Without A Will – 10 Reasons Why

Here at huunuu we feel passionately that everyone should have a Will. If you die Without a Will (WAW) then your estate may not go to the people or place that you would choose.   That is why we are campaigning to increase the number of people with a Will and are proud to partner with

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Alternative wellbeing quick fixes huunuu

Alternative wellbeing quick fixes

Often, when people think about quick fixes and tools to help with wellbeing, we immediately think of happy and uplifting things. Fresh air, sunshine, exercise: upbeat exciting things. Well, that’s what I have found at least. That isn’t the case for me. Those small quick fixes to boost my mood and make me happier may

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how the seasons affect wellbeing huunuu

How the seasons affect wellbeing

Ahh ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ is upon us and is arguably one of my favourite times of the year. When John Keats wrote this much-loved poem, over 200 years ago, the seasons were most likely a little more easily defined, but it is still relevant as it speaks of change, which is a

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